Pregnancy Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care for Expecting Mothers

Easing the Journey of Motherhood

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Prenatal chiropractic care during pregnancy is not only safe, it’s also a key ingredient in a mother’s prenatal care choices. At Kaizen Pediatric Chiropractic, we provide specialized chiropractic treatments tailored to meet the unique health requirements of expecting mothers.

Dr. Hruby highlights the research-backed finding that women under chiropractic care experience a 25% to 30% reduction in delivery time compared to those without chiropractic care. If you’re planning for a natural childbirth, this shorter labor time can be incredibly valuable. Learn how chiropractic adjustments support the body biomechanically, contributing to a more efficient and expedited delivery process.

We aim to enhance the pregnancy experience by relieving common discomforts and preparing the body for an efficient, healthier delivery. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help manage pain in the back, hips, and joints, and can also establish pelvic balance, providing your baby with as much space as possible over the course of your pregnancy.


  • Improved overall wellness for mother and baby
  • Relief from back, hip, and joint pain
  • Enhanced nervous system function
  • Greater pelvic balance and alignment
  • Reduction of labor and delivery time


Your North Scottsdale Pediatric Chiropractic Team

Kaizen Pediatric Chiropractic

Kaizen Progressive Health Scottsdale AZ

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